National Grange News |
National Grange elects new slate of officers in Reno, NV |
DECEMBER 2007 --
The following is the list of officers of the National Grange, elected at the National Session this past November in Reno, Nevada:
Master -- Ed Luttrell (OR) Overseer -- Jimmy Genrty (NC) Lecturer -- Judy Sherrod (TN) A. Steward -- Roger Bostwick (KS) L.A. Steward -- Beth Merrill (NH) Chaplain -- John West (NH) Treasurer -- Joe Fryman (NE) Secretary -- Henrietta Keller (IL) Gatekeeper -- Chip Narvel (DE) Ceres -- Nancy Swainston (MI) Pomona -- Judy McCann (OH) Flora -- Linda Chase (MA) Exec. Comm. -- Marty Billquist (MT) Exec. Comm. -- Betsy Huber (PA) Exec. Comm. -- F. Philip Prelli (CT) Exec. Comm. -- Pete Pompper (NJ)
High Priest of Demeter -- John Valentine (IN) Priest Annalist -- Bruce Croucher (NY) Priest Archon -- Dan Bascom (NH) High Priest Emeritus -- Woodrow Tucker (RI)
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