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Membership News
Membership News: The Power of No!

By Jody & Jodi Ann Cameron, CT State Grange Membership Co-Directors

  NOVEMBER 5, 2024 --

We’ve all been told no or at least should have! That little word has affected us differently based on the context. When we were little, we were told “no” to protect us. “No, don’t touch that, that’s HOT.” “No, you can’t pack the cat in the suitcase so he can meet Mickey too!” Ok that one’s extreme, but I am sure it’s been said before.

As we get older no can just become an easy excuse or an out. “Are you going to the meeting?”

“No, too busy.” “Are you going to be home on time?” “No, busy.” “Are you going to eat the last donut?” “YES! I’m not a fool, who would say no to the last donut!”

We’ve all been told no, and from that we’ve learned something. What have we learned from being told no when asking capable, qualified people to join our Grange? Now, there is a difference between listening and learning. We may listen to the reason for no and we may not. Did you ask if there was any way your Grange could change that into a yes? Did you compile the NO’s and have an open candid discussion with your active membership on how you can adjust programming to accommodate and overcome the NO? Did you LISTEN to the prospective member and understand what they would be looking for to convert the NO into a YES?

There is no magic wand we can wave and get people banging on our doors asking to join our Granges, It takes thoughtful planning, execution and effort. We challenge each of you to commit to developing a real plan on growing your Grange. Over the next couple of months, we will be introducing opportunities for Grangers to develop skills and confidence to be able to grow their Grange. Tis will be through these articles, ZOOM and hopefully some in-person training. Keep an eye out for what lies ahead.



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