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Around The Grange
Dec News from Granby Grange No. 5

By Dave Roberts

  DECEMBER 5, 2024 --

Dec. 8: Christmas Party & Potluck Dinner with $10 Grab Bag Gift, 3:30 PM.

Dec. 14: Craft Fair, Bake, Tag and Poinsettia Sale, 10-2

Granby Grange met on November 10th for our regular monthly meeting. Kara Marshall provided delicious refreshments for us. The Lecturer’s program was led by Sister Raine Petersen where she instructed us on how to make and use lavender sugar scrubs and gave each one along with the recipe.

We have a new slate of officers and look forward to having another successful year with even more fun events and fundraisers for Grangers and our community.

Granby 4H held a fairy and dragon house making workshop at our hall which everyone loved. Parents were encouraged to have their children enter the project in our fair next fall and it brought some additional awareness to our hall and organization.

At our meeting we voted to have the bake and poinsettia sale along with Grange made crafts sale on Dec. 14th. Hopefully, it will be successful with the short planning time, but we will have more in the future. We will be holding craft making workshops for this and future sales.

Brothers Dave and Lucian, Sisters Carol and Raine planted some garlic which we plan to harvest next July. We also gleaned what was left of our garden.

From all of us at Granby Grange to all of you, have a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!




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